1. Write down the Sounds, smells and textures of the work
2. Write down some symbolic objects of the work
3. What do we want left behind for the ‘audience’ after the work is finished?
4. Describe a moment you can see happening in the work
5. What is a question you would like answered?
Sounds smells and textures:
nature sounds, mud, sand, leaves, skin, water, wet, cold, cars, traffic, computers, clocks, belly breathing, wind, scrapping, foley, shirts, damp, birds, armpits, coffee, screen light
Symbolic objects:
Shoes, elements, sand, clothes, phones, computers, cameras, hands, work out gear, feet, gestures, trees, rocks, lounge, glass, clock
What lingers:
peacefulness, connection, memory, interest, imagination, joy, happiness, freedom, caring, supportive, friendship, beginning
Describe a moment:
hands, touching space, objects, people, trees, actions, gestures
Questions you want answered:
How do I not feel so lonely?
How do I bring the presense of people who are far away into my space?
Whats is absent?
taste: salt, smell: moss, texture/sound: wind
objects: the shirts we are wearing, plants (houseplants and others)
food for thoughts on how to be empathetic with what we are living with and through and of…so be moved and touched, with lightness and depth
a moment that all four of us will be in the same actual location and perform an awesome piece after a very inspirational and nourishing process
how to be…?
sounds: dogs barking. the wind. lapping water. flying insects.
smells: dampness. dirt. decay. sweet flowers.
textures: crunchy moss. hard granite. soft water. silk. sand. bruises.
symbolic objects: hair, fingernails, trees, frames, windows, doors (portals)
for audience: a bodily feeling/experience of landing in themselves, in relation. being moved by beauty and humour. contemplations on how body, land and empathy compose and nurture their daily lives.
A moment: what Gesa said! an exhibition of this online project content in a physical (gallery) space, with us also physically in the space performing, ooh! (past, present, future)
I see dancing bodies moving the space between environmental objects.
How to invite others into this already?