HANDS catching light casting shadow
carving the earth to make a hollow
HANDS in the soil, a traveler in time
stravaiging about, at home with the spine
HANDS dance in the mirrored sky
make cool rhythms and start to fly
HANDS touching tree touching rock
through them releasing my flinchlock
because we really do care
HANDS dancing the five elements
fire earth metal water wood
Handing it over. Can you handle this?
Secondhand costumes in the handsome nature.
As it were beforehand, in the handwriting and in the handstand against the tree.
Handsfree and freehand, handpicked stagehands for these I(s)lands.
Video below of an exploration of passing healing through trees while thinking of Gesa in Finland.
Finland also has birch Trees....is it possible to receive messages through trees?
Do the members of the same tree families talk to each other through continents?
In the end I found ConTact C.A.R.E was really good for breaking off dead branches effortlessly.
Maybe that was the healing, getting rid of the things that where already broken but holding on.
Video playing with hands meeting across the sky.
Gestural hand video exchange and song by Georgie Goater